Student Achievement


Zoe Fern和es '24, Communications Student from Hawaii

12月11日, 2023年,这期杂志庆祝那些从遥远的州来到圣母学院的学生. 一些学生被校园里的秋叶和白雪皑皑的冬天所吸引, while others appreciated the expansive abroad options, academic accommodations, 和 Division I athletics. 他们不同的背景和对新体验的追求把他们带到了这里, emphasizing Marist’s growing nationwide appeal.

Image of Madison Summit

Photo by Jadyn Lance '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Madison Summit '24
家乡: Bentonville, Arkansas
主要: Fashion Merch和ising 小: Music 和 Global Studies

Road Trip to Marist
An aspiring makeup 和 时尚 professional, 麦迪逊把她的在线大学search重点放在了纽约州, recognizing that New York is the epicenter for 时尚. 根据麦迪逊的说法,阿肯色州的生活是一个远离纽约喧嚣的世界. 我在一个小得多的城市长大,那里的工业以农业和沃尔玛公司为中心, the contrast has been quite different. 然而, 麦迪逊在哈德逊山谷美丽的树叶和山脉中找到了一丝熟悉的感觉, reminding her of home.

Why did you choose Marist?
“我选择bet亚洲365欢迎投注是因为它的位置和美妙 时尚音乐 项目. Also, as someone who uses academic accommodations,我很感谢所有可用的服务,如考试住宿.”

Image of Kolbe Benham ‘25

Photo by Zoe Fern和es '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

家乡: Cartersville, Georgia
主要: 业务 小: Sports Communication

Road Trip to Marist
科尔比从他的高中足球教练那里了解到bet亚洲365欢迎投注他和 卡梅伦吉布森他是bet亚洲365欢迎投注的特别小组协调员和安全教练,也是乔治亚州的招聘人员. Coming from Georgia to New York, Kolbe喜欢他离纽约市只有很短的火车车程, 他称之为“一个多元化的大熔炉,有来自各行各业的令人兴奋的新人”." On the Marist campus, Kolbe always feels welcomed by the kind staff, a comforting similarity to his home in the South.

Why did you choose Marist?
“It wasn't an easy decision to move far away from home, 但我的父母和我都认为bet亚洲365欢迎投注是一所非常适合我获得商学学位的学校. Also, the chance to play on a DI足球队 我可以周游全国,结交校友,这是一个我不能放弃的机会.”

Image of Channah Garcia ‘24

Photo by Jadyn Lance '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Channah Garcia '24
家乡: Waipahu,夏威夷
主要: 心理学 小: 业务

Road Trip to Marist
Channah learned about Marist from her brother, 谁参观了校园并自信地相信她会在那里茁壮成长. Her college counselor also recommended Marist, as it met all her criteria: a private, 中等规模的文科学校,可以让她与老师交流,避免在数百名学生中迷失方向. 在纽约, Channah observes variations in language; 例如, people in the Northeast use the term "flip-flops," while Hawaii residents say "slippers."

Why did you choose Marist?
“While I love living in Hawaii, living on an isl和 gets small real quick, 所以我一直都很清楚,我想离开这里去上学,体验一下大陆的生活. I fell in love with the Marist campus! 在我感兴趣的这两个领域,学院也提供了很棒的课程 业务心理学. The abroad program also really caught my eye.”

Photo by Zoe Fern和es '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Tinsley Stewart '24
家乡: Charlotte, North Carolina
主要: 化学 小: Environmental 科学

Road Trip to Marist
廷斯利通过一位家族朋友的推荐发现了bet亚洲365欢迎投注. During her search for the right college, 她之所以被bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学吸引,是因为她想找一所位于东北部的小型文理学院,那里有丰富的化学和音乐课程. 廷斯利发现,在bet亚洲365欢迎投注,人们表达尊重的方式与他们在北卡罗来纳州的家乡不同. 一些教授, 例如, encourage students to call them by their first name, which was an adjustment for Tinsley. 她注意到的一个相似之处是,这里的许多人也说“y’all”,” which she says reminds her of home.

Why did you choose Marist?
“我选择bet亚洲365欢迎投注是因为它在河边的美丽位置,超级凉爽 音乐节目, 和 because I wanted to live somewhere where it snows!”

Image of Micah Ahn ‘24

Photo by Jadyn Lance '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Micah Ahn, 24岁
家乡: Aiea,夏威夷
主要: 游戏 & 新兴媒体 小: Digital Video Production

Road Trip to Marist
米卡意外地遇见了玛丽斯特,当时学院的西部美国主任.S. 招生 visited his high school. 从夏威夷温暖的海滩过渡到哈德逊河谷的季节性天气是生活方式的重大改变. 弥迦在一个以亚裔美国人为主的社区长大, 在申请学校时,与学生建立文化联系是一个重要的考虑因素. 一到学校,Micah就加入了亚洲联盟俱乐部,并在bet亚洲365欢迎投注感到被拥抱.

Why did you choose Marist?
“I chose Marist for so many reasons, including the unique games program, the beautiful campus, 和 the high-quality housing. They also offered me a great academic scholarship.”

Photo by Zoe Fern和es '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Matthew Sim '24

家乡: San Francisco, California
主要: 体育训练

Road Trip to Marist
马修从高中辅导员那里听说了bet亚洲365欢迎投注, who believed it would be an excellent match for him. Growing up in the Bay Area, Matthew notices subtle differences in how people speak, 衣服, 和 even walk while living in New York. 他来自一个大州,他很惊讶自己能在几个小时内开车到另一个州.

Why did you choose Marist?
“我选择bet亚洲365欢迎投注是因为这里有很多机会和便利条件. 我毕业于一所小型私立学校,由于教室规模小,与教师建立联系是很自然的, which is something Marist also has.”

Photo by Jadyn Lance '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Corinne Rafuse '25
家乡: Platte City, Missouri
主要: 政治科学 小: 公共关系

Road Trip to Marist
Corinne discovered Marist through her father, 一位从同事那里了解到这所学院的教授. 来自密苏里州的Corinne觉得在纽约有很多事情要做. 她不断探索新的地方,尝试新的活动,品尝新的食物. She loves the vibrant experiences the state has to offer. 虽然科琳娜很珍惜她在普拉特城的家,但她觉得自己在玛丽斯特有了第二个家.

Why did you choose Marist?
“当我访问bet亚洲365欢迎投注时,我遇到的所有人都非常热情和善良. I chose Marist because of the 未来的选择和选择为未申报的学生(焦点)计划. 政治学专业的许多实习机会也吸引了我.”

Photo by Jadyn Lance '24/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

家乡: 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州
专业: Cybersecurity 和 Criminal Justice 小: 信息rmation Systems

Road Trip to Marist
凯尔申请了美国各地的学校,并在当地的大学博览会上发现了bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 中西部地区以拥有全国最友好的人民而闻名, he found that people at Marist are even friendlier.

Why did you choose Marist?
“When I was applying to colleges, I didn't know what I wanted to pursue a degree in, 所以我的决定受到哪所文科学校有最好选择的影响. 因为bet亚洲365欢迎投注有这么多很棒的节目,而且位置又这么漂亮, it made my decision easy!”
